At Stonor
Stonor is also home to one of the most ancient deer herds in Britain. Always nearby though often elusive, our graceful fallow deer have grazed the park since medieval times when the fragrant, thyme-flavoured Stonor Venison was much prized at court.
“Stonor is also home to one of the most ancient deer herds in Britain”
These beautiful rare birds have lived at Stonor since their recent successful reintroduction from a secret nearby location. Saved from national extinction, their magnificent, unmistakable reddish-brown bodies with angled wings and deeply forked tails can be spotted circling around the skies; you are guaranteed to spot between 5 and 50 of them above Stonor Park.
The uncultivated land with its undisturbed peace and tranquility is host to many other birds and wildlife – Stonor is also home to Buzzards, Ravens, Green Woodpeckers and several different species of Owl, and even migrating Hoopoes have been spotted here – a haven for badgers, hares, stoats, and other interesting beasties.